Water Supply Investment and Management in Cu Chi District
Location: Cu Chi District
Investor: Saigon Water Infrastructure JTC
Stage 1: Design, supply material and equipment, start working on delivering pipe route and services connecting point (Package 5)
General information:
Pipe length (uPVC D100,150,200; HDPE D63; Gang D100;150;200)of villages in Cu Chi district
- Phuoc Hiep Village : 13,197 Km
- Trung An Village : 28,730 Km
- Tan Thanh Dong Village : 99,909 Km
- Phu Hoa Dong Village : 69,138 Km
- Hoa Phu Village : 37,426 Km
- Tan Thanh Tay Village : 29,123 Km
- Tan Thong Hoi Village : 81,428 Km
- Tan An Hoi Village : 41,194 Km
Project scale Stage 1: 369.327 billion VND
Duration: will be finished on June 30th, 2016
Stage 2: Supply material and pipes, install delivering pipe route and services connecting point in Hoa Phu village (Package 22) , Phu Hoa Dong village (Package 16), Tan An Hoi village (Package 25), Tan Thanh Dong village (Package 26), Tan Thanh Tay (Package 23), Trung An Village (Package 24), Cu Chi town and Tan Thong Hoi village (Package 27).
General information:
- Construct pipe uPVC 200 (including technology, building, remaking)
- Pipe HDPE OD63 ((including technology, building, remaking)
- Pipe HDPE OD25 (pipe linking to service watch )
- Construct pipe uPVC 100 (including technology, building, remaking)
- Construct pipe uPVC 150 (including technology, building, remaking)
- Construct pipe uPVC 200 (including technology, building, remaking)
- Pipe HDPE OD63 (including technology, building, remaking)
- Pipe HDPE OD25 (pipe linking to service watch)
Location: Cu Chi District
Project Scale Stage 2: 499 048 billion VND